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Olga Lizasoain, professor at School of Education and Psychology, publishes a new book

'Pedagogía hospitalaria: guide para la atención psicoeducativa del student enfermo' is the name of the publication.

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PHOTO: Esperanza Rodés
16/02/16 12:32 Nagore Gil

Professor Olga Lizasoain Rumeu has published the book Pedagogía hospitalaria: guide para la atención psicoeducativa del student enfermo (ed. Síntesis), where some of the main problems faced by the student body who is in a state of vulnerability for health reasons are raised. It also analyzes the impact that illness and hospitalization have on the life staff of the sick student and their family environment. Throughout its 160 pages, the book addresses the different lines of action that, from the hospital pedagogy, are proposed for the school inclusion of students, so that they do not lose continuity in their process of development or in their learning, while trying to meet the psychological and social needs arising from the specific disease they suffer. The book offers a series of conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents that aim to serve as a basic guide for Education professionals working with sick and hospitalized students.

This book is intended for teachers of hospital classrooms and educational home care; for counselors and teachers of educational centers; for students or graduates of teaching, pedagogy and psychology; and in general, for students, volunteers or professionals in areas related to Education or health. This book may also be of interest to parents and relatives of children or adolescents with serious illnesses.

As for the author, Lizasoain is founder of the association European Hospital Pedagogues (HOPE) and honorary member of the network Latin America and the Caribbean for the Right to Education of Hospitalized or Treated Children and Youth.



