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One hundred students of ESO and high school diploma participate in the V conference of training of Literary Excellence of the University of Navarra.

The inaugural lecture was given at position by philosopher and writer José Ramón Ayllón, who spoke about the reading habits of teenagers.

16/04/10 14:20
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Students who have participated in the conference. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Around 100 ESO and ESO students from Valladolid, Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid, Las Palmas, Bilbao, Badajoz, Malaga, Cordoba high school diplomafrom Valladolid, Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid, Las Palmas, Bilbao, Badajoz, Malaga, Cordoba, Seville and Pamplona, attended the opening ceremony of the V conference of training of Literary Excellence of the University of Navarra.

On this occasion, the inaugural lecture was given by the philosopher and writer José Ramón Ayllón, who said that "the habit of reading is fundamental, because if you read, you think, and if you think, you grow". The expert at Education explained that the attitude of young people towards books is very diverse: "Some read a book a week and others confess that they have never read a book in their lives. They prefer, above all, the best-sellers that are in bookstores, among which there is also variety, since some are very trivial books and others are enriching".

When it comes to recommendations, José Ramón Ayllón tends to recommend historical novels and biographies: "I think they have three advantages: good literature, knowledge of history and proposal of role models".

The V conference of training counts with the participation of the writer and director of Literary Excellence, Miguel Aranguren, as well as professors and representatives of the University of Navarra Alejandro Llano, Miguel Zugasti, Concepción Martínez, Jorge Latorre and Cristina Tabernero, among others.

submission of awards

This project has been created by Excelencia Literaria, an initiative that looks for literary talents among high school students to become future novelists, essayists or journalists. high school diploma to become future novelists, essayists or journalists, and is endorsed by the University of Navarra.

In the closing lecture and submission of awards, will participate the Dean of the School of Philosophy and Letters, Jaume Aurell, Professor Javier de Navascués and Miguel Aranguren. Afterwards there will be a concert at entrance hall of Central Building.

Interview with José Ramón Ayllón on 98.3 Radio:


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