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Fourteen entrepreneurial projects in Navarre compete on June 20

The winner of the test, which will be held at the University, will be able to travel to Silicon Valley for a week.

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group of entrepreneurs. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
16/06/16 13:54

Fourteen projects of young entrepreneurs in Navarra will compete on June 20 to travel to Silicon Valley and receive, for a week, the inspiration that the ecosystem near Stanford University generates in the world of innovation.

The winners of the test, which will be held at the Amigos Building of the University of Navarra, will be invited back in the summer to the final phase in Madrid, where they will meet with those who have had the same success in the rest of the more than fifty Yuzz centers in Spain.

During the afternoon of the 20th, the entrepreneurs will have to compete against each other and convince a team of experts that their business plan is well prepared, that they have considered and analyzed the risks, that there is a market or that it can be generated, etc. and, above all, that their proposal is viable.

Six months of consulting and training

These projects promoted by young people under the age of 30 seek to become a reality. For this reason, during the last six months they have received expert advice at the University of Navarra, training entrepreneurs and innovation specialists at the University of Navarra.

During the 15/16 academic year, the University of Navarra was once again the Yuzz Center of Banco Santander, which has as mission statement promote entrepreneurship among young people in Navarra. For Gustavo Pego, from the University of Navarra, "this year has been especially successful as the participation of entrepreneurs has doubled compared to last year's edition".

The program, promoted by Banco Santander, has attracted more than 500 entrepreneurs and involved more than 200 experts from all over Spain. In addition to supporting the training of entrepreneurs with the help of the collaborating entities that support the Yuzz centers, it encourages participation with more than 250,000 euros in prizes.

The organizers of Yuzz Navarra hope that this year the region will have a place in the final. According to Gustavo Pego, "they have worked hard to achieve this".



