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Graphic designer Marta Bernstein gives a seminar on typography within the Global Architecture Program.

The second year students of Degree in Architecture were the recipients of the session, which took place at the beginning of February.

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PHOTO: Courtesy
16/06/16 12:38 Paula Bayo

The graphic designer and typography expert, Marta Bernstein, visited the School of Architecture at the beginning of February as a guest lecturer in the Global Architecture Program to give a seminar on typography to our sophomore students.

The daughter of two architects, Marta Bernstein said that she had grown up surrounded by an environment full of architecture and design. Therefore, when she finished the high school it was not difficult for them to decide for the design Graphic. For 5 years she studied at the Polytechnic University of Milan and after graduating she formed her own graphic design studio design together with several colleagues from degree program .  

After some time she went back to school to specialize in design typography, a field in which she is considered an expert. Currently, she is dedicated to both teaching and graphic design , specifically to the design of identities for companies, design publishing house or design web.

For Marta Bernstein, the design is related to architecture and engineering, that is, it is a technicaldiscipline and internship different from art and being an artist



