2013_10_16_ICS_El modo en que hablamos en la esfera pública sobre la ayuda a los más necesitados afecta a cómo responden los ciudadanos
"How we talk in the public sphere about financial aid to those most in need affects how citizens respond."
David Thunder, organizer of the ICS Ethics and Society Forum: "It is not enough to know that we have a duty to help others; we need the wisdom internship to choose who to help and how to do it".
"How we talk about issues like financial aid to development, the gap between rich and poor, or social justice affects how citizens respond." So said David Thunderresearcher of the project 'Religion and Civil Society' of the Institute for Culture and Societyat the framework Ethics and Society Forum, which he organized at partnership with the Center.
In that vein, he encouraged philosophers, opinion leaders and communicators to be "more careful" in approaching the topic of the financial aid to those most in need: "If we frame these issues in very broad and abstract terms, if we limit ourselves to identifying big problems, we make it difficult for people to behave in a constructive way, because they feel more overwhelmed by the dimension of the problems and because they will be unsure of what to do."
Professor Thunder delivered the first session of the forum under degree scroll 'Who is my Neighbour? A Phronetic Approach to Duties of Beneficence'. In it he focused on the responsibility staff on beneficence. "In modern societies it is important for people to develop a sense of responsibility and initiative to attend to the needs of others. It is not enough to wait for someone to tell you what to do. You have to be creative and look for an opportunity to help," he said.
Responsibilities towards neighbors and strangers
"It is not enough to know that we have a duty to help others; wisdom is needed internship to decide whom to help and how to help. People must use their freedom and responsibility staff to choose in their circumstances what to do."
Finally, David Thunder proposed that the universal duty to care for others be addressed as "the concrete process by which people discern their responsibilities to neighbors and strangers."
The Ethics and Society Forum consists of a series of sessions that address issues related to the improvement of communal life and society, whether from the perspective of ethics, legal theory, Economics, political and social Philosophy , or the social sciences in general.
The activity is open to researchers, professors and students of postgraduate program from all over the campus. The goal is threefold: it aims to be a vehicle to disseminate the work of the ICS among the entire university community, to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and to encourage ICS researchers to receive feedback from other experts on the work they are developing.