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ISSA University of Navarra launches the II Edition of Vidiomas

The video contest in English, French or German is aimed at students in the 4th year of ESO, high school diploma and training Professional

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17/02/15 10:40 Ines Escauriaza

The University of Navarra has launched the second edition of VIDIOMAS, a video contest in English, French and German to promote the use of modern languages among Spanish students. After the first edition, in which more than 200 students from 18 cities in Spain participated, ISSA School of Management Assistants is relaunching competition for students in the 4th year of ESO, high school diploma and Administration, management/Commerce and Marketing.

The goal of II VIDIOMAS is for students to use their language and communication skills to present their city to a foreign audience at internship . To do so, they must select a relevant character of the city, elaborate a speech of maximum three minutes where they describe who he/she was, what he/she did for that locality, etc. and record it individually or in groups of up to three members.

Each member of the winning team and the supervisor of work will win a tablet. In addition to the final award there will be two other prizes: a raffle among the participants for attend to the summer course IV The World of Business (accommodation + course) and a recognition with a kit from the University of Navarra for those who spread their work through the ISSA Facebook page and get 50 'likes'.

II VIDIOMAS consists of several phases: registration (until March 1), participation (until April 17), voting (until May 1), semi-final (the ten most voted) and final (winner). All the instructions and details of competition are available within a special VIDIOMAS Contest on the ISSA School of Management Assistants website.

International edition

As a novelty, this year an international edition has been organized parallel to the edition in Spain, in which students from countries where the Spanish is not an official language and who are studying in one of the last three years prior to university entrance (equivalent to Sophomore and high school diploma).

Entries in the international edition should be submitted only to Spanish. The final award for the creators of the winning work will consist of an electronic book for each participant and supervisor of work. The rest of the prizes and instructions are common to the national edition of Vidiomas.



