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45 students from the University receive the Global Internship grants from Caja Rural de Navarra

Students will carry out their international internships in thirteen non-EU countries.

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Scholarship students and their families with representatives of Caja Rural de Navarra and Career Services. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
17/04/19 07:35 Beatriz Diaz

A great opportunity to develop their professional degree program internationally. This is how the 45 students of the University of Navarra who have received the scholarships granted by Caja Rural de Navarra in partnership with Career Services define the Global Internship Program .

The United States, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Kenya, Costa Rica, India, Switzerland, China, Egypt and Colombia are the 13 destinations where university students from Navarra, the Basque Country and La Rioja will carry out their internships. The beneficiaries of this tenth edition of the program belong to the Schools and schools of Engineering (Tecnun), Science, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Nutrition, Philosophy and Letters, Education and Psychology and Communication.

At the ceremony of submission of the scholarships held this Friday, April 12, the president of Caja Rural de Navarra, Ignacio Terés, told the students that they are going to live their "first professional experience, at least outside Spain". "The Global Internship Program brings a great added value to all those who enjoy the scholarships, as it will help you to fill in your training. Value the efforts of your families and make the most of your time both at work and socially. And, of course, have fun", recommended Ignacio Terés to the students.

The Alumni Vice President , Tomás Gómez-Acebo, thanked Caja Rural de Navarra for its commitment to talent: "You deserve our recognition because every year you decide to bet on the talent of our students and on the transformation of society". "Now it is up to you, students, to respond with honesty and good work. Be professionals who know how to appreciate the work of others, who give the best of themselves and who know how to relate to everyone. Congratulations," added Tomás Gómez-Acebo.

The event was also attended by Caja Rural's Institutional Relations director , Ricardo Goñi; and the Career Services team and its director, Roberto Cabezas.

The Global Internship Program aims to promote internships for university students in foreign companies and promote its internationalization. The selection of interns has taken into account the academic transcript , the level of language of the host country, the curriculum vitae and the educational quality of the internship offered by the business host company.



