946 University students do work experience over the summer
Students have completed internships in 617 companies, embassies, consulates, foundations and associations around the world.
Summer is a good time to rest, but it is also a good time to learn. This second option is the one taken by the 946 students from the University of Navarra who have done internships this summer in 617 companies, consulates, embassies, associations and foundations around the world. issue Some of the students have been trained in more than one internship program over the last few months, so the total number of internships is 992. Why dedicate a vacation period to training? Some of the objectives that encourage them to do so are "to apply what they have learned at the University" and "to boost their professional degree program ".
In total, 826 internships have taken place nationwide. Diego Hernández González del Valle, student of 4th year of the Double Degree in History and Journalism, has put on internship his knowledge in the high school Official Pharmacists of Navarra (COFNA). "I have learned a lot. I encourage all students to live this experience because it is magnificent," says Diego Hernandez. His work has consisted of carrying out a complete study of the state of the file of high school, since a flood that took place in the middle of the last century destroyed most of the information. "For example, we have managed to discover the exact date of the foundation of high school (1899)," he adds.
International internshipsThe United States, New Zealand, Ireland, Belgium, Cape Verde, South Africa, Ecuador... The University's students also traveled the world this summer. In particular, 166 internships have taken place internationally.
Of the students who have completed an internship in a foreign country, 59 previously obtained a scholarship. Many of those who choose to stay in Europe opt for bonuses such as those of the Erasmus+ program, which involves an economic financial aid for the mobility within the European Union. In total, 47 students obtained this scholarship for their training, as in the case of Alejandro Gállego Raffelsieper, student of 4th year of Degree in Economics (bilingual) + Leadership and Governance Program, who also received the complementaryfinancial aid from the Banco Santander Erasmus program. Nine other Erasmus+ scholarship recipients also received the financial aid from Banco Santander. Thanks to these grants, Alejandro was able to train at Google in Dublin, its European headquarters, from June to August. "I have been a Business Intern at department for Google Customer Solutions. I can testify that the benefits of doing an internship are increased by doing it away from home, where there are many nationalities, points of view, ways of working, knowledge and customs. You learn a lot from all of them. Thanks to Career Services' advice, I was able to apply for the Erasmus+ and Banco Santander Erasmus scholarships, which certainly motivate me to go abroad and do an internship," says Alejandro.
For international summer internships, students can apply for other scholarships to help them experience the internship. For example, 12 of the 45 University students who received Global Internship scholarships from Caja Rural de Navarra have also complemented their training abroad during the last few months. Jon Aristu Garde, student 4th year Journalism student and one of the Caja Rural de Navarra scholarship recipients, went from living in Pamplona to living in New York for three months. "I learned a lot at the New York Journal. I think it's vital to do internships during the degree program. I think that until you get out and put into internship everything you learn at classroom, you don't know what it is to be a journalist. I think it is advisable to do an internship at any degree program, but especially at mine. When we finish the programs of study, what we will be able to teach is what we have done during these four years," he says.
In summer there are also students who choose international internship programs such as that of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC). Specifically, 31 students were selected for internships at Spanish embassies and consulates, of which 7 were also awarded an Erasmus+ scholarship . Eugenia Gutiérrez Robres, a 4th year student of International OfficeEugenia Gutiérrez Robres was one of those selected and stayed until mid-September at the Consulate General in Cape Town (South Africa). "I think it is very important to do an internship during the degree program, as I consider it a unique opportunity. You open yourself to new experiences, to different people, to exciting cultures, to special things you didn't know before. You open a window for your future, both at work and staff, but above all you open your mind and all this enables you to be able to help", says Eugenia.
enquiry here more data* about the students who have done internships this summer.
*The data collected were obtained taking into account the start date of the internship (between May 1 and August 31, 2019). source: Career Services.