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Participate in the new evacuation experiment and win a Samsung Smartphone

100 students are sought to participate in a study with national and international repercussions that could change building evacuation procedures.

18/03/16 12:44 Laura Juampérez

The Physicsdepartment and the School of Architecture need 100 student volunteers to participate in an experiment on building evacuation. Three Samsung Smartphones will be raffled among the participants, T-shirts will be given away and there will be snacks for all the volunteers who are encouraged to collaborate.

The experiments will take place at sports center of the University of Navarra on Sundays April 10 and 17 from 10 am to 1:30 pm. To participate, all you have to do is to sign up through this form.

This project has as goal to know how people behave in status of stress when they must evacuate a building and thus contribute to make the exits of any premises safer. For this purpose, the researchers of project want to count on the students of campus and give them the opportunity to participate in a project that has already had national and international repercussions.



