The Navarrese site of Santa Cruz de Eslava tomorrow, Wednesday 19, on RTVE La2
The public channel will broadcast the second chapter of the documentary series "Valete vos viatores", coordinated by the University of Navarra.
Tomorrow, Wednesday 19, the program "La aventura del saber" of La 2 of RTVE will broadcast the second chapter of the documentary series on Roman epigraphy "Valete vos viatores: from Portugal to Rome". The audiovisual has been coordinated by the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University and directed and produced by the Navarra-based business Clau Creative Services S.L., thanks to the support of the Creative Europe program of the European Union.
In this second submission, the Pamplona-born Ane Urrizburu, student of Degree in History and Journalism and Diploma in Archaeology, and protagonist of the documentary, will focus on two Roman cities in our area: Santa Cruz de Eslava (Navarra) and Los Bañales de Uncastillo (Zaragoza), sites in whose research and recovery students of the School of Philosophy and Letters collaborate annually.
The first chapter of the documentary, broadcast last September, is already available at available at section "A la carte" on the public channel's website and at project.