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More than 300 people participate in the workshop Engineering Orientation Program.

Numerous students from various cities and their families came to Tecnun for the workshop orientation for parents and students.

18 | 10 | 2022

Last Saturday took place in Tecnun the first orientationworkshop for parents and students of this course in high school diploma of this academic year in the campus of Ibaeta. Many families came to visit the School of Engineering with their children.  

The workshop kicked off at 10:30 a.m. with an orientation and information session at the School at position from the Tecnun Promotion, Orientation and Admissions Service. The session explained what engineering is and what is studied in engineering, as well as the main skills and specific attitudes required for each Degree and, subsequently, the world of work in the branch of each engineering.

At the end of the workshop, families had the opportunity to clarify doubts and talk with the staff of the Promotion, Orientation and Admissions Service.

Precisely, from this service, they remind that during this course, a great variety of events and conference will take place, and those who are interested in knowing the School, can do it at any time, arranging a previous quotation . 




