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The School of Nursing celebrates the day of its Patron Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.

18/11/09 11:09
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University of Navarra School of Nursing Patron Saint's Day PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Professors and students of Nursing at the University of Navarra celebrated the feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Patroness of the School.

The day's events began with Holy Mass, followed by a roundtable entitled "Developing the knowledge of Nursing to take better care of people", with the participation of professors Mª Isabel Saracibar, Mª Carmen Portillo and Agurtzane Mújica; moderated by Carmen Asiain, former supervisor of Intensive Care at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

During the course, the specialists addressed, from different perspectives, the progress of research in Nursing, as well as its boom in recent years.

Professor Saracibar, for her part, emphasized the training programs developed by the School. She stressed that all of them have had in common "the special care that should be given to the person, taking into account their dignity. Both from the human and scientific point of view; hence our primary goal to enhance the research in Nursing," he concluded.



