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Understanding a city by the design of its buildings

Architect Anthony Fretton exhibits at School of Architecture some of his projects developed in "UK BE NL CH DK".

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
18/11/16 10:57 Blanca Rodriguez

"You can understand the city by knowing the architecture of its buildings," said architect Anthony Fretton in his lecture titled 'UK BE NL CH DK', which he gave at the School of Architecture University of Navarra.

The architect presented some of his projects developed in the United Kingdom, Berlin, the Netherlands, China and Denmark, and explained the close relationship between society and cultural tradition of landscapes and architecture: "The design has to be a continuation of the city and therefore, it is important to pay attention to it".

Fretton, who said that an architect "has to be able to see these relationships and feel them," encouraged the consideration of spaces through art. In addition, he participated in the intermediate critique session of Master's Degree at design Architectural School, where students presented their projects.

In December, students from the subject 'design advanced architectural projects' will travel to London to design an apartment building in Canary Wharf. Residential housing, schools and cultural buildings are planned for this port area.



