"As a pharmacist, I will always keep in mind that the patient's health is the priority in any part of the drug chain."
20 | 05 | 2022
His internship at 3P Biopharmaceuticals started just 10 months ago and, since then, the passion and curiosity of Raúl González, graduate in Pharmacy at the University of Murcia, for everything related to the Pharmaceutical Industry has not ceased. "The first year of Master's Degree in design Galenic and Manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical Industry (MDGFI) offered us a global vision, as well as all the basic concepts to understand the real problems of companies". In his case, it was through the development of an antibiotic emulsion for topical use, the development of the analytical method for the quantification of the active ingredient and the establishment of a "home-made" quality system. "This challenge enabled me to develop critical thinking to understand any status and to propose solutions from minute one, since I joined business as scholarship recipient".
Raúl is currently at department Quality Assurance, within area Validations and Qualifications, "terms I was not familiar with before starting this Master's Degree", he confesses. In this part of department they are in charge of ensuring that all the company's equipment, analytical methods, facilities and services work as expected, while being properly documented to comply with rules and regulations. "It is difficult to define what we do on a day-to-day basis, because new challenges are constantly arising, so from the beginning I was aware that a plan would be needed for training staff that would require effort to keep up to date with the latest trends and regulations. Reading guides or articles from certain industry-related associations or listening to other people's experiences are the main sources of information that help me to cope with the tasks on my daily work ", he explains.
"What has surprised me most about the pharmaceutical industry is the importance of certain personal skills such as work teamwork, communication and planning, linked to making correct and agile decisions that do not compromise patient safety and, therefore, product safety," Raúl explains. "As a pharmacist, I still consider myself a healthcare professional and, regardless of where I am in the chain, I will always keep in mind that the patient's health is always the first priority.