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New Departments of the School of Education and Psychology

Mª Ángeles Sotés and Alfonso Osorio, new directors of department

20 | 05 | 2024

The Office of the Executive Council has C the creation of two new Departments in the School of Education and Psychology: the department of Education, which will be directed by Professor María Ángeles Sotés, and the department of Psychology, directed by Professor Alfonso Osorio. These Departments replace the old ones of Theory and Methods of Educational and Psychological research and Learning and Curriculum. This organizational change is better adjusted to the current reality of the center, in which the programs of study of Degree and postgraduate program in the area of Psychology have been gaining prominence. It is also intended to better address the specificities of each area of knowledge of the School and to encourage the improvement of the training offer.

The new departmental boards are:

department from Education:

  • Director: Mª Ángeles Sotés
  • Assistant Manager: Sara Ibarrola
  • Assistant Manager: Araceli Arellano
  • administrative assistantSarah Carrica


department of Psychology:

  • DirectorAlfonso Osorio
  • Assistant Manager: Begoña Urien
  • Secretary: Gonzalo Alonso


The dean, Carolina Ugarte, thanks "the work and dedication of the Departments of Theory and Methods of Educational and Psychological research and Learning and Curriculum during the last years core topic to achieve the current settlement of the activity professor and research, and, in particular, the task of those who have been part of their boards of directors".



