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Expansionary monetary policies, with low interest rates, are desirable to alleviate the current status .

- This was emphasized by Antonio Moreno at the University of Navarra during the celebration of the congress on monetary policy and financial markets.

20/06/11 11:25
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Antonio Moreno. PHOTO: Manuel Castells.

"We are better off with expansionary monetary policies and low interest rates to alleviate the current status . This is because we are heavily indebted and we need to facilitate private initiative". These were the words of Antonio Moreno, Associate Dean of research of the School of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Navarra, during the celebration of the congress "What's next? Monetary Policy and Financial Markets after the crisis".

In addition, according to the professor, "it would be positive if the European Central Bank were prepared to compensate sovereign debt creditors in the event of restructurings".

As for the rise in the risk premium in Spain, he pointed out that the increase in the same means that the country becomes a country that does not give confidence to investors, specifically, "it becomes more risky, in particular, because of the possibility of default". Thus, "without debt financing there is no liquidity to cover the public expense , which affects citizens through social cuts and the private sector, above all, through the worsening of loan conditions".

meeting international

The congress organized by the University of Navarra brought together experts who addressed issues such as "Financial Crisis and its aftermath, a Historical Perspective", "Banking and monetary policy", "Banking and Liquidity Risk" or "Monetary Policy and Financial Stability"; from different institutions such as the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, the International Monetary Fund, the Bank of Spain; or universities such as Princeton, London School of Economics or Bilkent University, among others.



