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A doctoral student from the University of Navarra receives the V José María Cervelló award

- Beatriz Goena obtained the award awarded by IE Law School, the Chair José María Cervelló and the law firm Ramón Hermosilla & Gutiérrez de la Roza.

21/06/11 14:19
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Beatriz Goena. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Beatriz Goena, doctoral student at the School Law School of the University of Navarra, has received the V award José María Cervelló awarded by IE Law School, the Chair José María Cervelló and the law firm Ramón Hermosilla & Gutiérrez de la Roza. She will receive the award for her article "La nueva responsabilidad de las personas jurídicas. Un análisis desde el article 31.bis.4 del Código penal".

The submission of the award, whose participants had to present a work related to "La responsabilidad criminal de las personas jurídicas: artículos 31, 31.bis y 33 del Código penal. Problems and solutions", will take place on July 4 in Madrid and will be attended by the president of the second conference room of the Supreme Court, Juan Saavedra Ruiz.



