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Back to 2013_02_22_ECO_El ciclo ‘Hablemos de…’ aborda el proyecto personal: “Para ser felices debemos olvidarnos de nuestra propia felicidad”

The cycle 'Let's talk about...' addresses the project staff : "To be happy we must forget about our own happiness".

Manuel Vilches, from association of Education Familiar Haurride, gives a talk to students.

22/02/13 10:31 Miguel M. Ariztegi
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Detail of one of the sessions PHOTO: Manuel Castells

"The best way to seek one's own happiness in life is to work for the happiness of others". The phrase is from Manuel Vilches, from association of Education Haurride Family . graduate in Economics and Business Administration and dedicated to family counseling since 2001. Vilches offered the students of the University of Navarra open answers to some of the big questions that lurk at the end of early youth and the beginning of adult life.

Are there differences between men and women or are we the same? Are love and feelings the same thing? Dialogue between engaged couples: do we know about each other? Is marriage out of fashion?project common: how is it done? How to stay in love? These were some of the questions addressed in the talk, framed in the lecture series 'Let's talk about...".

Vilches was in favor of "looking for what the other needs" as a basis for life together, and remarked that "men and women are not different, but complementary". In his opinion, in general, "it is easier for men to be husbands than fathers, while women have a stronger feeling of being mothers than wives". And the fact is that any shared life "will be full of lights and shadows, the secret is to know how to adapt to the circumstances without losing the goal: happiness," Vilches said.



