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The university dining hall and the cafeterias of campus bet ''For a healthy meal, you decide''.

22/03/12 14:16
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Ana Sanchéz Tainta, Ana Rodríguez Mourille, Itziar Zazpe and Alejandro Fernández Montero, four of the five experts that make up the project together with María Marqués Feliu. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The university dining hall and five cafeterias of the campus of the University of Navarra in Pamplona have already joined the project "Por una comida sana, tú decides", promoted by the academic center with the goal to promote healthy lifestyle habits among students, professors, researchers and all the staff of the University.

The two companies that have joined the project -Tallunce S.L. with the university dining hall and the cafeterias of Sciences, Architecture and Law- and Aramark -which is in charge of the cafeterias of the libraries of Sciences and Humanities- were interested in a project that, they assured, fits perfectly with their Philosophy and goal of offering and promoting a healthy food for their clients.

Their adhesion to the campaign will allow them to obtain the healthy seal of project. A step that is only the first of a partnership that will include proposals and activities throughout the year.

available In addition, a forum open to the public and staffed by the doctors and nutritionists involved in project is now available at project "Por una comida sana, tú decides" ("For a healthy meal, you decide"), where you can ask questions about food and health.



