Professor Ricardo Fernández Gracia launches a blog on heritage and cultural property on the University's website
This is the first space of this kind to be integrated into the new academic center's website.

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22 | 10 | 2021
"To help to value more our cultural heritage, always with the intention of a calm contemplation of it" is the goal that has led Professor Ricardo Fernández Gracia to embark on the digital project "Con fondo y forma. De internis artium". This is a blog, integrated in the new University website, where the director of the Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art will introduce readers to the history and characteristics of various tangible and intangible cultural assets.
The space is structured around 6 thematic blocks: reading images; heritage and artists; drawings, engravings and prints; Juan de Palafox; Monastery of Fitero; and miscellaneous. Once a month, iconographic images, architecture, photographs, objects of daily life from other periods, cultured and popular works and drawings will be analyzed.
The blog, which now has 8 entries, is available at the following link.
Ricardo Fernández Gracia holds a PhD in History from the University of Navarra, where he develops his work professor and research. The latter focuses mainly on three areas: iconography, promotion of the arts and artistic heritage of Navarre. Director of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro of the School of Philosophy y Letras, he is a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History.