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The extraordinary prizes of the School of Education and Psychology were awarded.

Leyre Lorea Ayestarán, Fátima Ruiz Fuster, Noelia Ruiz Crespo and Carmen Carolina Gándara Rossi received the awards.

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The award winners together with the vice dean of students and the dean of the School. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
22/12/16 10:57 Nagore Gil

The School of Education and Psychology has awarded the extraordinary prizes corresponding to the academic year 2015 y 2016. The awards went to Leyre Lorea Ayestarán at Degree of Education Primary, Fátima Ruiz Fuster at Degree of Pedagogy, Noelia Ruiz Crespo in the Early Childhood Education and the award Extraordinary from doctorate at Education has received it Carmen Carolina Gándara Rossi.

The award winners had the opportunity to address a few words to the attendees and all of them agreed on the messages of gratitude to their families, to academic staff, to their advisors and director of thesis , since, as they pointed out, these years at the university have helped them to grow both professionally and professionally staff .

In the act of submission, which has taken place in the Amigos Building, have intervened the vice dean of students of the School, the teacher Sonia Rivas and the dean of the School of Education and Psychology, professor Concepción Naval



