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More than 1,000 kilos of Christmas solidarity

The University collects clothes, food and toys in its Christmas solidarity collection campaign.


22 | 12 | 2023

500 kilos of non-perishable food, 13 containers of clothing, and new toys for 120 children at risk of exclusion. These are some of the data of the Christmas collection campaign of Tantaka, the Solidarity Time Bank of the University of Navarra. The proceeds were donated to the families served by the María Inmaculada Social Center in Pamplona. During this campaign, 7 Christmas baskets with basic products, prepared by the area of Diets of the University of Navarra, have also been donated to the entity, in with Tantaka. Clínica Universidad de Navarrain partnership with Tantaka. 

Thanks to the initiative of a group of students, during the Christmas campaign, funds have also been raised to buy gifts for the 11 children of a refugee family from Ukraine who have just arrived in Navarra. In addition, some students from high school Mayor Santa Clara, in partnership with Tantaka, organized a solidarity sale of cookies whose benefits have been destined to the purchase of gifts for the young people attended by the Center of Observation and Reception of minors Orvina and Beloso.

Also at the initiative of a group initiative of students of the University, solidarity bracelets were put on sale in favor of the victims of hurricane Otis, which last October devastated the city of Acapulco. The more than 1000 euros raised will be donated to the NGO association Gilberto, which financial aid with the recovery work in the country.

On the other hand, the framework of the Nativity Scene contest organized by the University of Navarra among its Schools, centers and Departments, Tantaka and Professional Programs organized the initiative "Don't miss your train to Bethlehem". Christmas gifts were placed in the wagon located in the basement of Central Building, so that visitors could buy a symbolic ticket to Bethlehem and make financial donations to be used for social purposes. 

The University submission awards prizes for the Nativity Scene contest

The Nativity Scene of the School of Architecture was the winner of the contest organized by the University of Navarra. The second award went to the Endoscopy Unit of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the third award went to the crib set up by the School of Medicine and Chaplaincy. The awards ceremony submission was held at Central Building during the Christmas toast given by president María Iraburu

The competition jury also awarded a runner-up prize to the group of research Vínculos, Creatividad y Cultura of Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) and the most voted online crib was the one from the adult ICU of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Out of competition, a special award was awarded to the residential center and the hospital pedagogy unit of the Clinic. All received a Christmas basket.



