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The School of Sciences launches a blog of research for graduates.

"Our Science Matters" will collect articles in English on the latest findings in Zoology, Genetics, Chemistry, Biomedicine or Microbiology, among other areas.

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23/03/15 13:57 Patricia Sainz de Robredo

The School of Sciences launches this week the blog"Our Science Matters". It is a publication aimed at graduates of the School that will bring together the latest scientific research carried out in the academic center and in the scientific world in general. Chemistry The blog, Genetics, Zoology, Biochemistry or important biomedical advances are just some examples of the areas that will be discussed in the blog, whose contents will be in English.

In addition, teachers will have the opportunity to write their own articles and transmit their research from an informative point of view. In this sense, it is intended that this new tool will also serve to bring science closer to communication and vice versa. At the same time, the blog will be open to the partnership of students and graduates so that they can explain their areas of interest, as long as they meet the required requirements of interest, novelty and scope.

"The blog arises with the main goal to make known to our graduates, but also to the university community in general, the research work carried out in the School; doing it in English, language vehicle of the scientific field, is essential to have a greater impact. The underlying idea is to explain science in a way that is accessible and intelligible to scientists and non-scientists alike", explained Borja Mora-Figueroa, director of development of the School de Ciencias. For the moment, entrance will be published once a week every Tuesday, but it is not ruled out to increase the periodicity later on.



