Ramiro Pellitero, professor at School de Teología, publishes "Ecclesiology".
The book is the tenth Issue of the Manual Collection of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (ISCR).
Professor Ramiro Pellitero of the School of Theology of the University of Navarra, Ramiro Pellitero has published Eclesiología, the tenth book of the "ISCR Manuals Collectionof the high school Higher School of Religious Studiespublished by EUNSA.
As the author explains, the book aims to present an overview of ecclesiology, goal : "It seeks to answer questions about the nature and origin of the Church, not only as an institution but also in its deeper reality: did Christ will the Church, how is it configured, who belongs to it and how do other people relate to it?
It also deals with development, mission statement and the destiny of the Church: what can and cannot change in the Church and why, the role of the Church in the cultural and social spheres, how to combine the universal and the local in the Church, whether salvation is possible outside the Church, how the Church relates to the Jews and other religions, what will happen to the Church when history comes to an end. It also gives rise to very topical and personal questions: how can we speak of the Church today, can we "feel" with the Church, can we identify with it?
Ramiro Pellitero is Professor at the department of Systematic Theology at the University. Professor of Ecclesiology and Pastoral Theology as well as advisor at Education of the faith.
The "ISCR Manuals Collection" is aimed at parents, catechists and formators, religion teachers or professionals in different fields who feel the need to improve their own training. The books published so far are the following: Introduction to Theology, Ethics, Mariology, Philosophy of Science, Pauline Writings, Pentateuch and Historical books y Theological Anthropology, Synoptic Gospels and Acts of the Apostles y Mystery of God