Un teólogo de la Universidad, miembro de la comisión editora de la obra completa de Joseph Ratzinger en castellano
A theologian at the University, member of the editorial committee of the complete works of Joseph Ratzinger in Spanish
Pablo Blanco is the author of the most extensive biography of Benedict XVI in Spanish, as well as of several programs of study on his thought.
Pablo Blanco, a theologian at the University of Navarra, has been appointed member of the editorial commission of the complete works(Gesammelte Schriften) of Joseph Ratzinger -the current Pope Benedict XVI- at Spanish, by the Library Services de Autores Cristianos.
In addition to him, the members of committee are Olegario González de Cardedal, from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and award Ratzinger 2011; Gabino Uríbarri, from the Pontifical University of Comillas; Manuel Aroztegui, from the Ecclesiastical University of San Damaso (Madrid) and Alfonso Carrasco, bishop of Lugo.
Pablo Blanco Sarto holds a doctorate in Philosophy and in Theology and graduate at Philology. He is currently Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Navarra. On the life and work of the German theologian he has written Reason and Christianity (2005), Life and Theology (2006), Benedict XVI, the German Pope (2010), the most complete biography of the Pontiff at Spanish; and The Theology of Joseph Ratzinger. An Introduction (2011). He has also created the programs of study 'Joseph Ratzinger' Forum.