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An expert bets on integrating prevention programs against gender-based violence in the Education affective and sexual

The newspaper 'ABC' has interviewed Maria Moulin-Stozek, researcher at project 'Education of affectivity and human sexuality' of the ICS, directed by Jokin de Irala.

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Maria Moulin-Stozek
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
24/02/17 10:48 Isabel Solana

Integrating programs against gender violence in those that already exist for affective and sexual Education could help prevent this social scourge. This was stated by Polish researcher Maria Moulin-Stozek in an interview to ABC newspaper. Moulin-Stozek, a specialist in Law and Criminology, belongs to the project 'Education oftheaffectivity and human sexuality' of the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra, directed by Jokin de Irala.

Preventive services are relatively rare," she stressed. There are programs to prevent dating violence that teach skills for developing non-abusive relationships with partners, conflict resolution, communication skills and techniques for finding financial aid. But it is not enough. Prevention must be extended".

Along these lines, the ICS expert regretted that, according to programs of study representative, "violence among adolescents is frequent", although "there are few interventions aimed at this group".  

Maria Moulin-Stozek valued the importance of "boys and men getting involved in the prevention of violence against women" and stressed that there is "a growing effort" to move forward on this path.

Regarding financial aid to women survivors of abuse, she stressed that it is necessary to "train people who work with them - for example, police officers, judges, health workers...". She also pointed out another new development in this field, interventions aimed at people who informally support survivors of violence: family members and friends.



