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The School of Architecture of the University of Navarra submission the awards for the best final projects and records. degree program

David Santamaría and Pablo Tejero received the Extraordinary Awards at the end of degree program for Architecture and Technical Architecture.

25/02/10 12:40
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Award winners David Santamaría, Nuria Tomas, Vanesa Otaduy and Pablo Tejero. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The School of Architecture of the University of Navarra delivered today the extraordinary prizes end of degree program, of doctorate, Luis Moya and Atecyr to the students with the best records and projects of the course 2008-09. The ceremony took place on the occasion of the festivity of patron saint of the School.

On this occasion, the award Extraordinary End of degree program of Architecture 2008 - 2009 was awarded to the architect David Santamaría; and building engineer Pablo Tejero received the award Extraordinary End of degree program of Technical Architecture.

On the other hand, architect César Aitor Azcárate was awarded the award Extraordinary doctorate for his thesis "Catedrales olvidadas. La network Nacional de silos en España, 1949-1990", defended in October 2008. Vanesa Otaduy also received the 2008-2009 Luis Moya Blanco award for the best project End of degree program, in which she presented a sports center in the Azud de Zaragoza.

award to the energy efficiency of building installations

For the third consecutive year, the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra also presented the award Atecyr, awarded to the students of the subject design of Facilities who have best employee the efficiency and energy savings in a project presented in this subject.

On this occasion, the award -englobado in the partnership agreement between the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra and the Grouping of Navarra-La Rioja of the association Spanish Technical Air Conditioning and Refrigeration - was for Nuria Tomás, who made "a brilliant integration of facilities in a project for a residency program teachers in the campus academic center," in the words of his professor César Martín Gómez.

The School's festive workshop was completed with a lecture given by Professor Juan Miguel Otxotorena and a lunch for teachers and students.



