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Ignacio Arellano, director of the GRISO, dictates a seminar on 'Editing Golden Age theater texts' in Colombia.

The seminar, completed with a lecture on 'Literature without books', took place at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota.

25/03/11 16:19
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Ignacio Arellano with students at Universidad de los Andes. PHOTO: loaned

Ignacio Arellano, director of the GRISO (group of research Siglo de Oro) of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra, has dictated at the University of the Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) a seminar on ecdotics and textual criticism, under the degree scroll 'Edition of theatrical texts of the Siglo de Oro. Editar a Calderón', directed to the students of the School of Arts and Humanities.

There, under the direction of Professor Hugo Hernán Ramírez Sierra, a line of edition of Golden Age texts is beginning to develop, integrated in the department of Humanities y Literatura. In the context of this new line of research is where the seminar of Ignacio Arellano, who heads two GRISO projects consisting of the critical edition of the complete autos sacramentales of Calderón (project in a very advanced stage of completion, has been integrated, with more than 70 volumes published by the German publishing house Reichenberger) and the critical edition of his complete comedies (this one in its initial stage of development, but with some titles already delivered to the presses of the Spanish-German publishing house Vervuert/Iberoamericana). Prof. Arellano's academic activities at the Universidad de los Andes were complemented by a lecture entitled 'Literature without a book: literature out of the blue. La oralidad en academias y certámenes'.

VariousGRISO activities in Colombia

In addition to this recently celebrated seminar , the partnership of GRISO-Universidad de Navarra with the Universidad de los Andes will continue with the co-organization of an international congress on Calderón's entremeses, to be held in Bogota in the spring of 2012. Finally, it should be noted that this new institutional relationship between GRISO and other universities and academic institutions in Colombia, such as the Institute of Humanities of the University of La Sabana (where Prof. Arellano has been Visiting Professor and has lectured on several occasions), the School of Human Sciences of the National University of Colombia, the Caro y Cuervo Institute or the company Teatro de la report.



