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Five years putting sound to History

The University of Navarra celebrates the V edition of the competition "History Play. History in 7 minutes", with the participation of 56 schoolchildren.

FotoManuel competition winners Naroa Olóriz and Nicoleta Volosciuc.

The School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra has awarded the prizes of the V edition of the competition "History Play. History in 7 minutes". A total of 56 students of 4th of ESO and 1st of high school diploma have presented 23 podcasts of historical content around the topic "Border towns".

Thus, the proposals, lasting 7 minutes, have dealt with the Christian and Muslim borders during the average; the Roman limes against the peoples of the East; the customs created between neighboring communities; the mutual influence of neighboring cultures; or the reality of unresolved conflicts that divide peoples, among others.

The team formed by Naroa Olóriz, Mayte Noelia Albiño and Nicoleta Volosciuc, from I.E.S. Ibaialde, won the competition result their work "El tributo de las tres vacas". The second award went to Irune Fernández González, Marwa El Hafidi and Aya Faseka, also from I.E.S. Ibaialde, who presented the podcast "Olivenza, pueblo español de alma portuguesa". In third place, Alejandra Luparelli, Ana Arroyo and Daniela Serrano, from Miravalles-El Redín high school , were awarded for their research on "Adrianópolis: beyond borders".

After the submission of prizes, a raffle was held for a visit to the archaeological site of Los Bañales (Uncastillo), in the framework the "Archaeology Program'' of the ArchaeologyDiploma of the University of Navarra. The winners will spend a workshop with students of History and Archaeology from all over the world. The attendees also enjoyed a visit to the collections housed in the University's General file .

The goal of the competition, a continuation of the History Olympiad, is to bring schoolchildren and secondary teaching teachers in Navarre closer to historical research through the analysis of the proposed topic . The result is presented in podcast format in order to show alternative ways of researching and disseminating history. It is sponsored by the Museo Universidad de Navarra and the bookshop TROA of Pamplona.

Second finalists of the competition. Author: Manuel Castells

Third finalists of the competition. Author: Manuel Castells



