Javier Sánchez Cañizares, lecturer and researcher of the University, new member of the International Society for Science and Religion
Composed of more than 200 researchers from different disciplines from around the world, the multi-faith society studies the relationship between Science and Religion.

Professor Javier Sánchez Cañizares, director of group 'Ciencia, Razón y Fe' (CRYF) and researcher of the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra, has been appointed member of the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR).
The ISSR pursues, from the research, the fruitful dialogue between Science and Religion, from the perspective of many disciplines. For Professor Sánchez Cañizares, being a member of the ISSR, besides being "a joy", is a recognition for the group CRYF, since its founder Mariano Artigas was also a member: "It is a way of giving continuity to its pioneer work in Spain".
Composed of more than 200 researchers from all over the world, its members represent a wide variety of religious traditions and there are even those with positions close to atheism or agnosticism. In this sense, it assures that professionally it is "an opportunity to enter into dialogue with the world's leading experts in the field of the relationship between Science and Religion".
The ISSR has been a member of great figures of thought such as the scientist Bernard d'Espagnat, the philosopher Ian Barbour, the theologian Wolfhart Pannernberg or the bishop Jozef Zycinski. Also several active Templeton Prize winners, such as the recently awarded Francis Collins. And some of the speakers invited to the Mariano Artigas Memorial Lectures, which have been held at the University since 2011, such as Karl Giberson, Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti or John Hedley Brooke, are part of it.