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Olite hosts the III conference Navarras de Teatro Clásico (3rd Navarrese Classical Theater )

The event is co-organized by GRISO-University of Navarra and the Government of Navarra.

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Ignacio Arellano (GRISO-University of Navarra), Gema Garro (Olite City Council) and Yolanda Osés Pérez (Government of Navarra) at conference in Olite. PHOTO: Courtesy
25/07/14 10:25

Last Monday, July 28th, the III Classical Theater of Navarre III conference Navarre of Classical Theaterdedicated this year to "The characters of classical theater".. The event, co-organized by GRISO-University of Navarra and the Government of Navarraat partnership with the Olite City CouncilThe program, the high school of programs of study Auriseculares (IDEA) and the project CONSOLIDER "Patrimonio teatral clásico español. Texts and instruments of research (TC/12)", was aimed at professors of teaching average and doctoral students, students of Philology, Humanities y Communication Sciences and, in general, to anyone interested in theater and classical literature.

Speakers were Wolfram Aichinger (Universität Wien, Austria), Ignacio Arellano (GRISO-University of Navarra, Spain), Francisco Domínguez Matito (University of La Rioja, Spain), Julián González Barrera (University of Seville, Spain), Carlos Mata Induráin (GRISO-University of Navarra, Spain), Francisco Rico (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona / Real Academia Española, Spain), Oana Andreia Sâmbrian (University of Craiova and Romanian Academy, high school of Social Sciences and Humanities, Romania) and Hélène Tropé (Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle, France).

The academic program of these III conference Navarre Classical Theater attendance was completed with the theatrical performance of Fuenteovejuna, by Lope de Vega, by the Company José Estruch-RESAD (direction: Pedro Casas), at 21.30 pm in La Cava. The deadline of registration is still open until July 28.

All information about the conference can be found available on the



