Longevity as a social opportunity, topic of a workshop of the University of Navarra and IDEA Foundation.
Academics and specialists in Geriatrics will intervene this Wednesday at the opening ceremony of the Chair IDEA of New Longevities

25 | 09 | 2023
Longevity as a social opportunity' will focus on September 27th a workshop of the University of Navarra and IDEA Foundation. The activity has been organized as an act of presentation of the Chair IDEA of New Longevities, which has begun its course this year in the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the academic center.
Ana Marta González, professor of philosophy at the University of Navarra and member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, will speak at the event. She will talk about the social challenge that comes with the increase in life expectancy.
This will be followed by the roundtable 'Challenges and opportunities of an aging society', with Rafael Sánchez-Ostiz, geriatrician, director general of IDEA and president of association Navarra de Entidades Asistenciales (ANEA); Carolina Montoro, professor of Geography of the School of Philosophy and Letters; Antonio Moreno, Full Professor in Economics and Dean of the School of Economics; and Camino Oslé, vice-president of the board board of directors of the Casa de la Misericordia.
82.2 years, life expectancy at birth in Spain
It should be recalled that life expectancy at birth in Spain was 82.2 years in 2020: 79.5 in men and 85 in women. A significant percentage of the population reaches this age in good health. Many people over the age of 65 can continue to carry out their ordinary activities and continue to contribute to the community in many ways. However, societies are often not prepared, either materially or culturally, to welcome the potential contribution of the elderly, thus facilitating their social inclusion.
This workshop seeks to address aging and the social challenges it poses from a perspective that takes into account the diversity of personal situations and, therefore, as an opportunity to humanize society and make it more inclusive.
The University of Navarra and IDEA, business specialized in the promotion and management of healthcare centers and services, have launched the Chair IDEA of New Longevities with the goal to respond to the outstanding challenges of demographic aging. It is framed in the ICS and is within the line 'work,care and development' of the Strategy 2025 of the academic center.
workshop "Longevity as a social opportunity."
Date: September 27, 2023
Time: 12:00 h.
Place: classroom ICS, Institute for Culture and Society (located next to Ismael Sánchez Bella Building of the University of Navarra).
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