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Miguel Iraburu recommends looking for work in Spanish companies interested in foreign markets.

The industrialist from Navarre gives a speech at lecture as part of the series of talks with the Círculo de Empresarios (Businessmen's Circle).

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Miguel Iraburu PHOTO: Courtesy
26/02/13 11:35 Miguel M. Ariztegi

Miguel Iraburu recommended that students who are about to enter the job market try to obtain a position in export-oriented Spanish companies that want to open subsidiaries in emerging countries, since in Spain "the crisis is a serious barrier to entrance to degree program professional". Brazil, Peru, Poland and other countries with solidly growing emerging economies are the place to start today in the face of the saturation of the economies of the more traditional European economies.

The businessman from Navarre gave a talk at lecture to the students of the School of Economics and Business Studies in which he reviewed the structure of a business and the different professionals that make it up. The loneliness of the manager, the culture of effort, human resources as the main part of a business and innovation as the connecting thread between all the Departments were some of the points on which his talk was based.

He insisted on the need for Spanish companies to focus their efforts on exports as a way out of the crisis in view of the paralysis of the domestic market.

Miguel Iraburu (Pamplona, 1949) is president of committee of SMEs of the Círculo de Empresarios. committee An industrial engineer and MBA from IESE, he is currently a member of the Board of Directors of CLH and of the Advisory Boards of Ernst & Young, At Kearney, Eyelock, Aertec, Sogecam and Deca. committee committee Previously, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Azkoyen, Vice-Chairman of Ambers & Co and member of the Board of Directors of Telecinco, among others. He is also a member of the advisory committee of Institución Futuro.



