Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name. February 2014
This section highlights the most relevant academic activities carried out by the professors of Schools during the month.
The teachers José Bernal y Javier Otaduy attended the I International congress of Canon Law "The Juridical Order of the Catholic Church. Some fundamental issues". Professor Bernal presented the discussion paper "El Criminal Law Canónico ante los retos actuales de la vida de la Iglesia. Los delitos contra el sexto mandamiento" at the Universidad Autónoma de Monterrey on January 27 and repeated it on January 30 at the Universidad Panamericana Mexico DF. Professor Javer Otaduy presented the discussion paper "Las fuentes del Canon Law" at the Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City on January 29. The main organizer of the congress was the Universidad Panamericana, with the participation of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (Monterrey). The congress was distributed among the three venues.
The National Agency for Quality Assurance assessment and accreditation (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) has accredited Juan J. Guardia Hernández as Professor teaching assistant Doctor.
Professor Félix María Arocena participated in the VII Forum Internazionale della "Pontificia Accademia di Teologia", with the degree scroll: "Il "Mysterium Lunae" nella storia. Da Trento al Vaticano II: 500 anni, 3 concili ecumenici, quale ecclesiologia? Rome, January 27-28.
Professor Pablo Blanco gave the lecture lecture: "Un speech sobre Dios: Jesús de Nazaret de Benedicto XVI" at the IX Chair St. Thomas Aquinas. Almeria, February 25.
Professor Santiago Casas participated in the international workshop "Il Concilio Vaticano I e la modernità", at the high school German Historical Center in Rome, organized by high school, the Pontifical Gregorian University, LUMSA and the University of Paris Sud. Rome, February 7.
Professor Juan Antonio Gil Tamayo gave two sessions on the theological and pastoral relevance of the Fathers of the Church during the workshop of training permanent for the clergy of the diocese of Guadix-Baza (Granada). February 13.
Gregorio Guitián, Associate Professor of Moral Theology is currently research stay as a Visiting Scholar at the School School of Theology and Religious Studies of the Catholic University of America, in Washington DC. He has published the article "Service as a bridge between ethical principles and business practice: a Catholic Social Teaching Perspective" in the Journal of Business Ethics, publishing house Springer. He gave the lecture "Common good and subsidiarity in the Encyclical Pacem in Terris" in the course "Christian Social Ethics" at the School of Theology and Religious Studies of the Catholic University of America. February 5.
Professor Fermín Labarga has been Director Academic of the V National congress of Brotherhoods under the invocation of Jesus of Nazareth: "Road to Calvary: rite, ceremony and devotion. Brotherhoods of Jesus of Nazareth and biblical figures". With more than two hundred participants, the list of speakers included professors from the universities of Cordoba, Granada, Malaga, Murcia, Navarra and Seville, and from the CSIC. Puente Genil (Cordoba). February 21-23.
Professor Pedro Rodríguez gave the inaugural lecture at lecture of a series on Don Álvaro del Portillo: "Don Álvaro del Portillo and the Second Vatican Council." chapel del high school Mayor Bonaigua. Barcelona, February 21.
Francisco Varo led a session of the seminar of Professors at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross on topic "La storia d'Israele nella bibliografia recente: contributi, problemi e proposte di soluzione". Rome, February 27.
Professor José Ramón Villar was in charge of the "General Conclusion: shared points and open questions", at the VII International Forum of the Pontifical Academy of Theology, with the topic "Il Mysterium lunae nella storia. Da Trento al Vaticano II: 500 anni, 3 concili ecumenici, quale ecclesiologia?" Vatican City, January 27-28.