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"Patience and work in the background are essential ingredients for entrepreneurship."

Pablo Cuervo-Arango is a 4th year Economics, Leadership and Governance student. In addition, since he was 16 years old, he has been working in the family self storage business . During his confinement, Pablo decided to start a new project: Mokiebox with which he intends to revolutionize the world of storage.

26 | 02 | 2021

Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?

I have always been a very restless person with a great interest in the world of business. When I turned 16 I started working for business Real Estate and Self Storage at average workshop . As I learned, I was promoted and little by little I went from working in the maintenance of the centers to a position at department in Innovation and Projects.

 My experience in the sector made me know its limitations and identify the difficulties that arose for our customers. That's how MonkieBox was born, a storage system that makes everything easier, freeing up space and making life much more comfortable; and for ridiculously low prices compared to traditional storage rooms. In addition, as we knew we would manufacture thousands of boxes, all our boxes are made of 100% recyclable cardboard, we were very excited to be a sustainable business in as many fields as possible.

What helped you make the decision?

Through my degree program: Economics, Leadership and Governance, I have obtained a broader knowledge of the consumer experience and the pillars of innovation, in addition to acquiring very good tools of work in team, which have been very useful to me when it comes to entrepreneurship. As an extracurricular activity, I am a member of the Marketing and Sales Club of the University of Navarra, thanks to which I have been able to meet numerous entrepreneurs and managers in small and large companies. This has given me a lot when designing the service, being for me a fundamental learning source . Although I have never had entrepreneurship as a professional goal , I do consider myself a very nonconformist and restless person. I am passionate about what I do, and as I got more involved in the sector, I came up with ideas for improvement; until, with the financial aid of many workers of the business, I came up with MonkieBox, a service absolutely focused on improving the customer experience.

What does your business consist of?

MonkieBox is currently the most revolutionary service in the world of storage or Self Storage. Spain is the country in Europe where the population suffers the most from space problems at home. Moving to a bigger house is very expensive, so renting extra storage space is often the best solution.

In addition, the arrival of the vacations and the return home often become a headache: What to do with everything you have in your accommodation and do not need? Renting a storage room is expensive and the dynamic is laborious: going to the storage room every time you need something, keeping it tidy, leaving things behind... MonkieBox is born to change these dynamics, and makes it much easier for you. With MonkieBox the customer will receive the boxes he needs at home, to store his belongings inside. Whenever he wants, from his area staff , he will select the date when he wants us to pick them up and we will come and pick them up. These, will be stored in our nearest center, equipped with modern facilities, with 24h video surveillance and staff attending the center. In addition, when the customer requires it, from area staff on the web, you can view the contents of the boxes, and apply for we take any of your boxes to the address you select. 

What have you learned in this phase?

It is very easy to get discouraged, especially when you see that certain things take longer than expected. This happens frequently in the process of creating a business, since there are many external factors that condition the work. We young people have become accustomed to having what we want in a matter of seconds or days at most. Businesses are somewhat more complex, results are not obtained instantaneously. Patience and work are essential ingredients for entrepreneurship. In most cases you have to wait several years to see the fruits you expected, so it is essential to look at the long deadline, have many meetings with the team of work, to see the progress in each department from the first line of battle. And keep working!

What are your plans for the future?

I am attracted to many sectors, including Investment Banking, Private Equity and consultancy service Strategic, as well as Real Estate. The truth is that I would join any innovative customer-centric project . I would like to go abroad for a few years to cities like Boston or London. For the moment, my priority is to continue working with MonkieBox and make it a basic service in the life of any Spaniard. The project has a lot of projection and there is an excellent team of work behind it, I am confident that it will be a success, of course, investing countless hours and with a lot of patience.



