A project of research will analyze the independence of the Constitutional Court.
It is led by Professors Asunción de la Iglesia (University of Navarra) and Patricia Rodríguez-patron saint (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, through the State Agency of research, has granted funding of 43,125 euros to project of research "The importance of the independence of the Constitutional Court for the defense of constitutional democracy", directed by Professor Asunción de la Iglesia and Patricia Rodríguez-patron saint, professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
The goal of project is to contribute to the creation of a culture of respect by institutions and society for the Constitutional Courts, the basis of the rule of law and a guarantee of the proper functioning of the democratic system .
The research will focus, in a first phase, on detecting and analyzing the problems that affect constitutional justice; to address, in a second phase, their possible solutions.
More than 60 experts will analyze the independence of the constitutional justice system
In the framework of this project, the campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid and the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE) will host on March 21 and 22 the I congress Italo-Spanish diagnostic of the problems of constitutional justice. Under the title degree scroll La independencia de la justicia constitucional a examen, the meeting will bring together more than 60 experts from Spanish and Italian universities, who will analyze the problems of Constitutional Justice, from the selection of magistrates, their renewal, constitutional interpretation, among other issues.
The congress will pay special attention to supranational institutions: the opinions of the Venice Commission; the judgments handed down in recent years by the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, in defense of the autonomy and independence of the Constitutional Courts and the Judiciary; or the rules and regulations of the Union to protect the principles of the Rule of Law.
Among the speakers are Angel Gómez Montoro, Full Professor of Constitutional Law, former President of the University of Navarra and lawyer of the Spanish Constitutional Court; Marta Cartabia, Italian constitutionalist, first woman to have presided over the Italian Constitutional Court, Minister of Justice, and who has recently integrated the group of experts of the Venice Commission that has moved to Spain to purpose of the processing of the Amnesty Law.
Other speakers will include professors Francesco Bertolini (Università di Teramo), Matteo Cosulich (Universitá di Trento), Patricia Rodríguez-patron saint (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Ángel Sánchez Navarro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).