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"The preparation demanded by society requires the Christian to have a good training to guide his life."

Theologian José Manuel Fidalgo said this in a course of the ISCR of the University of Navarra, in which 150 people from Spain, Germany, Holland and Colombia participated.

26/08/10 11:21
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Participants of the VII Course of update offered by the ISCR. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

"The preparation demanded by society leads today's Christians to seek great seriousness in their Christian training to guide their work, social and family life," said the theologian of the University of Navarra, José Manuel Fidalgo. The expert made these statements on the occasion of the VII Course of update of the high school Superior of Religious Sciences (ISCR), in which about 150 people from Spain, Germany, Holland and Colombia are participating.

In this regard, the ISCR's Deputy Director affirmed that "today more than ever there is a need for well-prepared citizens who know how to give a Christian response to the problems of today's world. From their faith, and in a productive partnership with the human sciences, Christians immersed in the most varied professional fields have much to say about crucial issues such as the family, the Education or the work".

Practical sessions on solidarity activities

This edition of the ISCR course at the University of Navarra, entitled "Forming protagonists for justice and love" dealt with issues surrounding Pope Benedict XVI's latest encyclical, Caritas in veritate. "The teaching of Christ," added José Manuel Fidalgo, "introduces into social, economic and political issues a perspective of love and generosity, of respect and promotion of the person. Christian charity, in the face of the constant danger of selfish particular interests that lead to contempt and injustice, promotes a better society".

The sessions, multidisciplinary, address topics such as Economics, geography, ethics or theology. Along with the theoretical sessions, workshops were held at work on practical experiences of solidarity activities with Pedro Rayón and Arantxa Azcona, from high school Irabia and association Lagundu Arakil; and Iñaki Díaz Knörr and Nuria Mata, from ONAY and Fundación Profesionales Solidarios.




