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New members of the Steering Committee

26/09/13 15:54 Carlota Cortés
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Oded Stark, Terry Ryan and Bernardo Villegas. PHOTO:

The Navarra Center for International Development welcomes three new members to its Steering Committee:

Oded Stark, Terry Ryan and Bernardo Villegas. Oded Stark is Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, a University Professor and Chair in Economic and Regional Policy at the University of Klagenfurt, an Honorary University Professor of Economics at the University of Vienna, a Distinguished Professor at the University of Warsaw, an Adjunct Professor at the University of Tuebingen, and a Distinguished Research Scholar at Georgetown University. He served as a Professor of Economics (Chair in Development Economics) at the University of Oslo, and prior to that as a Professor of Population and Economics and as the Director of the Migration and Development Program at Harvard University. He has written on applied microeconomic theory, development economics, population economics, the economics of migration, labor economics, evolutionary economics, urban economics, regional economics, welfare economics, and the theory of the firm.

Terry Ryan is an economist from Kenya. He studied at Trinity College, Dublin and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Terry Ryan has held various positions as advisor due to his expertise and experience. These posts include the Local Committee for Income Tax Appeals and the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Kenya. Furthermore he has also done consultancy work for the World Bank, UNDP and the Organization for African Union.

Bernardo Villegas is a Philippine economist specialized in development economics, business economics and social economics. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University. He has been the economic adviser to five Philippine Presidents and was a member of the Constitutional Commission that drafted the Philippine Constitution under the administration of former President Corazon Aquino.

The Steering Committee is a multi-stakeholder group of prominent academics and civil leaders to advise the NCID. It was established in order to help the center assess the evolving socioeconomic context in which international development functions, and the latest tendencies and advancements in the field of poverty alleviation. - See more at:



