The Full Professor Gregorio Robles Morchón presents at the University his book "Teoría del Derecho. Fundamentals of Communicational Theory of Law".
Published by Thomson-Cívitas, this is a comprehensive and complete project on Theory of Law.
26 | 10 | 2022
The Full Professor of Philosophy of the Law of the University of the Balearic Islands, Gregorio Robles Morchón, presented in the School of Law of the University his last book and which is presented as his most complete work: Teoría del Derecho. Fundamentos de Teoría Comunicacional del Derecho. Published by Thomson-Cívitas, it is a global and complete project of Theory of Law, consisting of three volumes (2,500 pages), on which Professor Robles has been working for more than 30 years.
Professor Robles is a member of issue of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences and a member of issue of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Spain. He is the author of another 40 books and 160 articles.
He began to design his last book on the Communicative Theory of Law at the end of the 1970s, with various preparatory works that he collected in 1982 in his book Epistemología y Derecho. The term "Communicative Theory of Law" appeared for the first time in 1988, in his book Introduction to the Theory of Law. Ten years later, project began to consolidate as a reality. In 1998 he published El Derecho como texto and also the first edition of Issue first edition of Teoría del Derecho. This first edition was expanded in successive editions, until reaching the sixth edition in 2015. That same year he also published the second Issue of his Teoría Comunicacional and in 2021, the third Issue .
With respect to the Communicative Theory of Law itself, it is an enormously rich and complex conception. Therefore, it has several readings, as is evident in the works, articles and even doctoral thesis that have been written about it. In fact, there are currently some 270 works published on the Communicative Theory of Law and, among them, there are several thesis . At the same time, Theory of Law. Fundamentals of the Communicative Theory of Law is also a textbook recommended and explained in classrooms.
"This is an enormously fruitful and valuable project , which has more than fulfilled the motives, both theoretical and practical, that prompted Professor Robles, more than 30 years ago, to carry out this great business", said Professor Angela Aparisi, during the presentation of the book, last October 20.