Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name. November 2014
This section highlights the most relevant academic activities carried out by the professors of Schools during the month.
The teacher Juan Alonso participated in the XVe Colloque International "La Pertinence de Newman dans un monde "postchrétien"", organized by the Association française des Amis de Newman and the Newman Association of America. Paris from November 7 to 9.
Félix María Arocena was invited by the Delegate of Liturgy of the Diocese of Logroño to give two sessions of the "training permanent of the clergy" on "Liturgical participation". The sessions were held in the premises of the Diocesan Curia of Logroño.
The teacher Pablo Blanco gave the seminar "Regensburg: a reread speech ". group Analysis of speech of Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), November 27th.
Professor Miguel Brugarolas presented the discussion paper "The Creator-creatures distinction in Gregory of Nyssa" at the LI Philosophical Meetings "Metaphysics of the Logos: knowledge de sí y automanifestación. Medieval Hermeneutics". University of Navarra, November 24-26.
The Professor Emeritus Pedro RodríguezVice-president of the Theology Section of the RADE, gave a speech at discussion paper "Time, work and rest" at the "III conference for a better use of time", organized by the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain. Club Siglo XXI. Madrid, November 20.
Professor Emeritus Elisabeth Reinhardt presented the discussion paper " "Verbum and "unitatis aequalitas": the proposal of Thierry de Chartres" at the LI Philosophical Meetings "Metaphysics of the Logos: knowledge of itself and self-manifestation. Medieval Hermeneutics". University of Navarra, November 24-26.
José Gabriel Vera, Adjunct Professor of department of Systematic Theology, has been appointed director of the Information Office of the Spanish Episcopal lecture .
The teacher José Ramón Villar participated in the lecture-colloquium "The unity of the Church in the theology of Johann Adam Möhler", in the framework of the "training course Permanent for priests", organized by the School of Theology of Valencia. November 19.
The Visiting Professor Jean-Pierre Schouppe seminar for professors "Institutional freedom of religion in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights: a canonical rereading". Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome), November 16.
School Ecclesiastical Philosophy
Professor José Ángel García Cuadrado presented the discussion paper "Imagen de Dios y libertad en el De hominis opificio" in LI Reuniones Filosóficas "Metafísica del Logos: knowledge de sí y automanifestación. Medieval Hermeneutics". University of Navarra, November 24-26.
Professor Javier Sánchez Cañizares participated in the congress: 'Abraham's Dice: Chance and Providence in the Monotheistic Traditions' at Stonehill College, Easton, Massachusetts, November 16-19.
The teacher Sergio Sánchez-Migallón has translated and edited the book: "The emotional problem of reality"
The teacher Mª Jesús Soto-Bruna presented the discussion paper "Multiplication or manifestation of unity? Dominucus Gundissalinus and the Philosophies of Unity" at the LI Philosophical Meetings "Metaphysics of the Logos: knowledge of itself and self-manifestation. Medieval Hermeneutics". University of Navarra, November 24-26.