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Pope approves the heroic virtues of Dr. Jérôme Lejeune, honorary doctor by the University

The recognition, by which Professor Lejeune considers himself already "venerable", is the previous and necessary step to be proclaimed blessed by the Catholic Church.

Photofile/Moment in which Professor Lejeune received the doctorate Honoris Causa from St. Josemaría Escrivá, the first Chancellor of the University.

27 | 01 | 2021

Pope Francis has authorized the promulgation of the decree recognizing the heroic virtues of Jérôme Lejeune, honorary doctor by the University of Navarra in 1974, thus taking a further step in his canonization process.

The now venerable Professor Lejeune is considered the father of modern Genetics . In 1958, he identified the trisomy of the 21st chromosome pair that defines Down syndrome, which opened the way to cytogenetics. His work led him to reflect on the great questions of human life and on the role that medicine and research should play in the defense of the weakest. He was appointed by St. John Paul II as the first president of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

"With untiring strength of spirit, our colleague has been able to delve into the entrails of biological laws, to defend the correct application of the purest principles of the rights derived from the dignity of the human person, from the first moment of its existence, as an indisputable link in the family development ", said Dr. Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri, then Dean of the School of Medicine and godfather of Professor Lejeune during his investiture. "Therefore, his presence in this extraordinary faculty invigorates our university spirit by encouraging, in its rightful measure and with gallant courage, the responsibility of the professor, in any of his Degrees, towards the faithful fulfillment of his duty, in an era so in need of moral principles, which finds its most precious justification through scientific progress itself".

During his closing remarks, St. Josemaría Escrivá, Chancellor , stressed the importance of educational institutions in the transfer of scientific progress to society: "The university does not turn its back on any uncertainty, on any concern, on any human need. And its heart vibrates with passion when research - theological, juridical, biological or medical - reaches the sacred reality of life. The University knows that the necessary scientific objectivity rightly rejects all ideological neutrality, all ambiguity, all conformism, all cowardice: the love of truth commits the life and the whole work of the scientist, and sustains his honesty in the face of possible uncomfortable situations, because this committed rectitude does not always correspond to a favorable image in public opinion".

A relationship with the University that continues

After Dr. Lejeune's death in 1994, the foundation that bears his name, with branches in France, Spain, USA and Argentina, has continued his bequest promoting the research on intelligence-based diseases Genetics, and preserving the care, dignity and respect for people affected by trisomy 21 or other genetic anomalies.

Recently, the School of Medicine of the University has signed a agreement of partnership with which both institutions are willing to organize programs o f postgraduate program , to develop projects of research scientific on the mentionedfields, and to promote events of training, conference scientific and sessions of update addressed to health professionals or for the general public. This is the case of seminar on Medicine and Bioethics, which will be held online from January 26 to February 23 and will focus on prenatal diagnosis.



