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The University managed more than 6,000 career opportunities in 2013.

More than 4,000 undergraduates completed internships in national and international companies

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27/03/14 11:09

Foundation business University of Navarra (FEUN) managed more than 6,000 career opportunities in 2013, according to its report activities report. The report, recently published, reflects that 4,056 university students carried out internships in companies and 2,182 offers were managed for employment.

In addition, 281 university students spent professional internships in companies located in more than 40 countries, through the Leonardo, Erasmus, Global Internship, Academic External Program and the internship program scholarship programs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

This document also sample the results of the new entrepreneurship support program of the University of Navarra, recently completed, which promoted 8 business ideas. In addition, 193 graduates completed the postgraduate program initiation program business.

Finally, the nearly 200 hours of training on entrepreneurship, employment rate and professional skills, in which more than 4,000 people participated, are worth mentioning.

The report, published as an infograp hic, represents the development of theprofile professional of the undergraduates during their years of degree program. "We have taken advantage of report to tell students what opportunities we offer them. That's why we've designed it as a professional development journey aimed at increasing the employability of university students," says Rosario Mancini, manager of FEUN's Communication Department. 

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