I'll leave it whenever I want and Off the Page triumph in the XXVII edition of the University Kino Awards.
8 final projects of Degree of Audiovisual Communication have participated in this edition of the awards.

27 | 04 | 2023
Off the Page and Lo dejo cuando quiera have been awarded 7 of the XXVII Kino Awards of the University of Navarra, awards organized to distinguish the best final projects of Degree of Audiovisual Communication of the School of Communication.
Off the Page tells the story of a character in a novel who must leave the pages of his story to confront the author and prevent the death of the love of his life. It was awarded Best Screenplay (Diego Gómez and Joan Oliver), Best Cinematography (David Ayerra), Best Editing (David Ayerra) and Best Original Score (Mario Oroz), and also received the audience's award .
I Quit Anytime tells the story of a boy who is trying to quit smoking, but the life of a mugger he leads with his brother doesn't make it easy for him. Especially when one of his hits goes wrong. It has received the awards for best short film (collected by its producer, Juan Voltas), best direction (Miguel Ángel Iribarren) and best sound (Javier Cano).
In addition, the children's cast of Orain has received award for best interpretation. The winners were Iñigo Astrain, Javier Oto, Milagros Miral and Mariana Hurtado, children with Down Syndrome, and Javier Teruel, with Jansen-de Vrie syndrome, who acted in the short film. The 5 belong to the association D-Espacio, where they usually go on Saturdays to do activities. In the short film, they study in a special high school of Education when they receive the visit of a documentary filmmaker who is going to film them.
The Kino Awards were created by the department of Culture and Audiovisual Communication of the University of Navarra in 1996, coinciding with the graduation of the first graduating class of Audiovisual Communication, in order to recognize the creative, artistic and technical achievements of the short films made by students in the last year of degree program. In this edition, the awards have had the participation of eight projects, which constitute the Final Projects Degree of Audiovisual Communication.
The panel of judges for the 27th edition of the Kino Awards was composed of Ana Vázquez(Madres, amor y vida; El secreto de Puente Viejo); Ainhoa Tilves(La línea invisible, Los misterios de Laura); Iker Ganuza, CEO of Lamia Producciones and producer of Akelarre (2020); Carlota Pereda(Cerdita, Goya for Best Short Film 2019); and Koldo Zuazua, producer and CEO of Kowalski Films(Maixabel, Lo que arde, Handia).
Kino Awards 2023
Best Short Film - I quit whenever I want
Best direction - I quit whenever I want
- Miguel Angel Iribarren
Best Screenplay - Off the Page
- Diego Gomez
- Joan Oliver
Best Art Direction - Rojo for Rojo
- Leyre Petri and Jimena Clemente
Best Performance - The children's cast of Orain
- Iñigo Astrain
- Javier Oto
- Javier Teruel
- Milagros Miral
- Mariana Hurtado
Best Cinematography - Off the Page
- David Ayerra
Best Editing - Off the Page
- Diego Gomez
- Joan Oliver
Best sound - I leave it whenever I want
- Javier Cano
- David Aguerri
Best Original Score - Off the Page
- Mario Oroz
award of the Public: Off the Page