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meeting Alumni of Economics 2013 celebrates the 25th anniversary of the School

Graduates from all graduating classes meet at quotation on IESE's Madrid campus campus

27/05/13 16:31 Miguel M. Ariztegi

The University of Navarra's Economics School held the 2013 meeting Alumni event at IESE 's campus in Madrid, which also served to commemorate the first 25 years of the institution's history.

The Dean, Reyes Calderónhosted the event, and reminded the attendees that the graduates of the University of Navarra are its "main asset", since they are its card of presentation before the world of business and society as a whole.

The Professor José Ramón Pin gave the graduates a lecture on the different milestones that should be set in the professional career and how to achieve them.

As shown in the video that accompanies this article, the Alumni took advantage of meeting to greet each other, catch up and reminisce about their time at training. Javier Tanco highlighted "the ethical and integrity" that the professors of the School managed to transmit to the students, an argument that was echoed by Miguel AlemanyMiguel Alemany, for whom his time at the university meant "learning a different way of approaching problems".




