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When the experience is a Degree

Students from all over the University collaborate in the admission tests.

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Between 35 and 40 students collaborate with Admission each year. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
28/02/14 10:53 Miguel Ángel Echávarri

The admission tests are a moment core topic in the life of every student. And what better than to have someone who not long ago went through the same status. It is the figure of the student partnerIt is fundamental to provide information and financial aid to future university students, who often arrive disoriented, nervous about the exam and still do not know the University. But they are also the ones who transmit first hand to the parents their experience and opinions about the specific degree program that their children will probably take the following year.

Both at the conference Open Doors and during the Admission exams, there are between 35 and 40 students willing to lend a hand. "Some Schools look among their own students, but there are also others who work for the area of Campus of Admissions Office", says Blanca Torres, from Admission.

The roles of the students during these days are very diverse. Most of them are inside the buildings welcoming parents and candidates. They are also in charge of the guided tours of the Clinic, the Library Services, the laboratories, the TV set, the radio programs of study .... Others help with the examination. Some of them are around campus directing and giving information about the tests or the location of the buildings, and they are easily recognizable: they are the ones in the red bibs.

Carmen Alba is from Cordoba and one of the usual bibs that are distributed around the campus during the admission tests. She is studying third year journalism and recognizes that she is especially excited to meet students coming from the south. He has a special connection with them. He started collaborating with the Admissions Office in the first year of degree program. "Other students helped me, so why shouldn't I do the same? Plus, it's an opportunity to get to know the University from another perspective."

For his part, Pablo Jiménez is a fifth-year pharmacy student but, like Carmen, he started working on the "JPA" and the admission tests in his first year. He decided to collaborate because someone recommended it to him and, to date, he recognizes that the experience is very satisfying: "The most gratifying thing is helping students who don't know what to study, opening their minds and clearing up their doubts. You really realize that with a few simple words and your time, you can be changing someone's life".

But although there are students who lend a helping hand to their future classmates, the real protagonists of these days are the students themselves, the aspiring university students.



