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49 University of Navarra Students Complete the IESE Program

- Students from School of Economic and Business Sciences stayed at the business school since January.

28/04/11 07:28
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Alumni after submission of diplomas. PHOTO: Alumni

49 students from the University of Navarra completed the IESE Program offered by the School School of Business and Economics. The students, who have been at the business school's Madrid headquarters since January, had the opportunity to take classes and participate in selection processes at different companies during the second semester of the course.

The closing ceremony of the program was held at the Palacio de la Bolsa de Madrid with the celebration of the roundtable "New markets: opportunity or necessity for Spanish companies" with the presence of Jayant Khobragade, from the Embassy of India; Fábio Meira de Oliveira Dias, head of the Sector of Economics and Energy of the Embassy of Brazil; and Kimio Kase, Professor of Strategy at IESE Business School. The event also included the awarding of diplomas to participants at submission .

This program of the School of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Navarra has as goal give students the possibility to fill in their training with a more practical approach oriented to enhance professional skills such as work in teams, public presentations, critical and strategic analysis.



