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Mons. Juan Claudio Sanahuja, Doctor of Theology from the University of Navarra, receives the degree scroll of 'Chaplain of His Holiness'.

28/04/11 14:01
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Bishop Juan Claudio Sanahuja. PHOTO: Courtesy

School Pope Benedict XVI has named Monsignor Juan Claudio Sanahuja, Doctor of Theology of the University of Navarra, as 'Chaplain of His Holiness'. The distinction implies the recognition of the Holy Father for the particular service that a priest renders to the Church.

Bishop Sanahuja has done extensive work in defense of life and the family in Argentina. As a fruit of his partnership with the Pontifical committee for the Family, its president, Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, invited him to participate in 1992 in the First meeting of the Pro-Life Movements of America, organized in Monterrey, Mexico. There he became a member of the group in charge of implementing the pro-life and pro-family diary in Latin America.

His bibliographic production includes the books El Gran Desafío: la Cultura de la Vida contra la Cultura de la Muerte (Buenos Aires 1995), and El development Sustentable . Nuevá Ética Internacional (Buenos Aires 2003), both with a prologue by Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo. In his recent Global Power and Universal Religion (Buenos Aires 2010) Bishop Sanahuja updates the themes developed in the previous works.



