Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name. April 2015
This section highlights the most relevant academic activities carried out by the professors of Schools during the month.
School of Theology
Professor Pablo Blanco was part of the founding meeting of the Spanish section of the European Society for Catholic Theology (ESCT) in Madrid. April 24.
Professor Santiago Casas participated in the International meeting : "La historia religiosa de la España contemporánea", with a discussion paper on: "Difusión de la producción científica sobre historia religiosa en las revistas académicas". University of Alcalá de Henares, April 22-24.
Professor Gregorio Guitián spoke at the '4th International Colloquium on Christian Humanism in Economics and Business', with the presentation 'Why Christian managers should be concerned with natural environment? An answer to Cui et al.'s paper from a Catholic Social Teaching perspective'. IESE Business School. Barcelona, April 20-21.
On April 12, Professor Fermín Labarga took possession as canon of the cathedral of Calahorra (La Rioja), from agreement with the appointment received from his diocesan bishop, Monsignor Juan José Omella, on February 22.
Professor Pablo Martí del Moral spoke on "The family, nucleus of the civilization of love, in the magisterium of the Church since Vatican II" at workshop Interdisciplinary on the family, organized by the ICS-University of Navarra. Pamplona, April 24.
Professor José Mª Pardo Sáenz gave the opening address lecture "La vivencia del noviazgo entre los jóvenes de hoy" in the II Semana Pastoral de la Familia that, with the theme "El desafío pastoral de los cursillos prematrimoniales", organized by the Diocesan Delegation of Family and Life of Salamanca, from April 26 to 30.
During the XXXV conference of the Spanish association of Canonists, Professors Antonio Viana and José Antonio Fuentes presented papers. Professor Viana's paper was on "The participation of the laity in the power of regime", and Professor Fuentes' paper was on "Divorce and remarriage in the Orthodox Churches". Madrid, April 8-10.
Professor José Ángel García Cuadrado presented a paper entitled "Mística y Escolástica: la influencia de Santa Teresa de Jesús en Domingo Báñez" in "El pensamiento místico y la Escuela de Salamanca. V Centenary of the birth of Teresa of Avila", II International meeting of History of Thought. University of Salamanca, April 17.
Publication of the book, translation of D. Báñez, Tratado del hombre (III): comentarios a la SumaTeológica (qq. 80-83), Introduction and notes by José Ángel García Cuadrado. Translation by Juan José Gallego Salvadores and José Ángel García Cuadrado; Eunsa, Colección de Pensamiento Medieval y Renacentista n. 85, Pamplona 2015, 278 pp.
Professors Enrique Moros and Rubén Pereda developed two sessions of the Clouster Group of Analytic Theology on Providence and evil. Professor Moros presented an argument on the relationship between divine Providence and the evidential problem of evil, and Professor Pereda focused on the analysis of the principle of sufficient reason. Pamplona, April 17.