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The first graduating class of Degree of Medicine of the University of Navarra graduates.

171 future doctors celebrated the end of degree program

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graduation ceremony of the LIV graduating class of Medicine held last Saturday, May 24, 2014.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
28/05/14 13:07 Laura Latorre

The University of Navarra celebrated this weekend the graduation of the LIV graduating class of Medicine, the first of the European Higher Education Area Education , which was attended by 171 future doctors and their families. The program began with Holy Mass and a floral offering to the Virgin of Amor Hermoso.

He highlighted the speech of the godfather of ceremony, Dr. José Luis del Pozo, who had a few words of thanks for the families, "for their large doses of love and tolerance"; for the University, composed of professors, tutors, doctors, residents, nurses, etc. who "have supported you and opened the doors for your development in various areas and have taught you by example within a climate of respect and tolerance"; and for the patients, "with them we have discovered in us the compassion and responsibility that being a doctor means", he emphasized.

Dr. del Pozo encouraged them to get out of their comfort zone: "things are not achieved in three days, they require a lot of effort and a lot of time. We have to learn to fail without fear of getting ahead. He added: "the future may be difficult, but so was the past, and I am sure you are prepared to face it".

For their part, the delegate and sub-delegate of promotion, Tarek Ajami and Veronica Fernandez, addressed some emotional words to those present, in which they began by reviewing what they consider "one of the most important stages of his life: the six years of degree program", and ended by thanking family, teachers, board directive and colleagues "for having made this dream possible, our dream". 

Responsibility, service and professional ethics

At one point during the ceremony, Dr. Enrique Martinez, representing the high school Official Medical Association of Navarra, proceeded to take the Hippocratic Oath to the new graduates. After Dr. Martínez, the clinical tutors presented the diplomas to the students at submission , together with the book"A student from Alabama and other biographical essays", by Sir William Osler, which submission the Lilly Foundation gave to the graduates in Medicine.

The graduation ceremony concluded with the words of Dean, Dr. Jorge Iriarte, who spoke to them about responsibility and service:"two essential qualities in the life of anyone, of everyone, and even more so in the case of the physician," he said. Dr. Iriarte reminded the new graduates of the importance of becoming doctors dedicated to serving the sick and the truth, because"you are the doctors of the future and the future of many people will depend on you". Having said this, he encouraged them not to be satisfied with being employees of medicine and to continue studying "to practice professionally and putting the means to become that subject person and doctor that you dream of".

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