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The University is ranked fifth in Spain in the QS 2024 international ranking.

The academic center of Navarra is only surpassed by large universities in Madrid and Barcelona.

FotoManuelCastells/Students at Main Library of the University of Navarra

28 | 06 | 2023

The University of Navarra is 280th in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2024, which ranks 1,497 universities in 104 countries. According to the ranking, the University is in the top 19% of universities worldwide. In Spain, the University of Navarra moves from sixth to fifth position of the 35 Spanish universities that have been evaluated. It is only surpassed by major universities such as the Autónoma de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Complutense de Madrid and Autónoma de Madrid.

The ranking examines the global university system through nine different indicators that serve to analyze five dimensions of employability, researchlearning experience, quality of education international outreach or sustainability. In the QS global ranking for 2024, the University of Navarra stands out in employability and international outreach. Thus, it is 130th in the world and third in Spain in reputation among employers and, in employer outcomes, it is 282nd in the world and sixth in Spain.

On the other hand, in terms of the indicators that measure international commitment, the University of Navarra is ranked 186th in the world, second in Spain, in terms of international students trained in its classrooms and fifth in Spain for its international academic staff . In addition, it is fourth in terms of the professor-student ratio, of the teaching dimension.

8,280 publications and 93,900 citations received

For the 2024 edition of the QS World University Rankings, the data of more than 17.5 million publications and 141 million citations to those documents have been employee . In addition, the opinion of academics has been collected through 2.1 million votes, as well as that of 617,000 employers around the world. More than 8,280 publications and 93,900 citations received from the University of Navarra have been considered. This year the QS ranking marks two decades since it was first published. Since then it has been increasing in ranked universities from almost 900 in 2013 to the 1,497 that manage to appear in the ranking, out of 2,963 institutions of Education higher that have been evaluated in total in this edition.

"That the ranking recognizes employment opportunities and international outreach as strengths of the University of Navarra is good news, as these have been two priority areas for us for years," said Rosalía Baena, Vice President Students. "The increase of the skill in the Education international higher encourages us to continue working to offer a better experience to our student body and to achieve a research with greater impact," she said.



